Use the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server application

Open the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server application. You will find the application on the desktop of the computer where Spotlight Cloud is installed. Double click on the desktop icon.

Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server application

Sign in with your Quest account.

The configuration panel opens.

Add a new connection

  1. Click Connections to open the Spotlight Connection Manager, then Add new Connection.

    Configure Connections

    Alternatively, click Add Connection above the configuration panel.

  2. Select the appropriate connection type.

  3. You will be prompted to fill in the connection properties.

Enter connection details

The connection details are required. The details are dependent on the connection type.

Click on the connection type for more detail:

Edit existing connection

  1. From the Spotlight connection manager, select the connection type to add.
  2. Double click Add new Connection. Alternatively, to edit the properties of a pre-existing connection, double click on the connection with details you want to edit.
  3. You will be prompted to fill in the connection properties.

How many connections can you monitor at the same time?

The number of instances Spotlight Cloud can monitor is dependent on your Spotlight Cloud subscription. All Spotlight Cloud subscriptions have a ‘quantity’ field measuring the number of instances Spotlight Cloud can monitor. One monitored instance equates to one database connection, one connection to the operating system host and a connection to the operating system virtual environment.

Your first Spotlight Cloud subscription is Trial Professional. When the Trial Professional subscription expires your subscription changes to Spotlight Cloud Basic. Spotlight Cloud Basic can monitor fewer instances than Spotlight Cloud Trial Professional or Professional. To increase the quantity of instances Spotlight Cloud can monitor purchase Spotlight Cloud Professional or on a Spotlight Cloud Professional subscription purchase additional monitored instances.

Connections are enabled for monitoring as they are added. When the subscription ‘quantity’ is reached connections can still be added but they are initially disabled. You can increase your Spotlight Cloud subscription or disable one connection to monitor another using the enable/disable functionality.

When the subscription changes from Spotlight Cloud Trial Professional or Professional to Spotlight Cloud Basic you may notice the most recently added/enabled connections are disabled. Fewer instances are monitored on a Spotlight Cloud Basic subscription. All SQL Server replication connections are disabled on a Spotlight Cloud Basic subscription as a Spotlight Cloud Trial Professional or Professional subscription is required to monitor SQL Server replication connections.