Requires Spotlight Cloud Professional

Open the alarm details report from the connection view report of the alarms overview report

This report is opened from the connection view report of the alarms overview report. From the table of alarms, right click on an alarm to drilldown further.

Number of occurrences

The donut chart shows the number of occurrences of the alarm in the report period. The donut is proportionately colored according to the severity of each alarm occurrence.

Occurrences over time

The vertical bar chart shows the number of occurrences of the alarm over successive intervals of time. The time intervals and period of time covered by the chart adjusts according to the report period. All times are in UTC time.

Click on a date on the horizontal axis to filter the report according to the selected date.

Table of alarms

Details the occurrences of this alarm in the report period. All times are in UTC time.

Column Description
Severity The severity at which this occurrence of the alarm was raised.
Time of occurrence The time at which this occurrence of the alarm was raised.
Category The alarm category. The list of categories can be found in the Alarms by Categories chart.
Alarm message The message for this occurrence of the alarm. The message often takes the form of a short description of the circumstances if known behind the raising of the alarm and the time the alarm was raised.