Run this script to grant permissions to the user

To this SQL script:

  1. Replace all occurrences of TrustedUser with the name of the user.
  2. There are commented lines at the end of the script; un-comment these lines as appropriate for your environment.
  3. Run the script (as sysadmin).
use master

grant ALTER TRACE to TrustedUser

grant VIEW SERVER STATE to TrustedUser

grant VIEW ANY DEFINITION to TrustedUser

USE [master]


CREATE USER [TrustedUser] FOR LOGIN [TrustedUser]


USE [msdb]


CREATE USER [TrustedUser] FOR LOGIN [TrustedUser]


grant VIEW DATABASE STATE to TrustedUser

use msdb

EXECUTE sp_addrolemember

@rolename = 'SQLAgentReaderRole',

@membername = 'TrustedUser'

use msdb

EXECUTE sp_addrolemember

@rolename = 'TargetServersRole',

@membername = 'TrustedUser'

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_monitor_history_detail to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_primary_secondaries to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_primaries to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_secondary to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.log_shipping_secondaries to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.sysjobs to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.sysalerts to TrustedUser

grant select on dbo.sysjobhistory to TrustedUser

grant execute on dbo.sp_help_jobhistory to TrustedUser

grant select on msdb.dbo.syssessions to TrustedUser

grant select on msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity to TrustedUser

use master

grant EXECUTE on xp_servicecontrol to TrustedUser

grant EXECUTE on xp_enumerrorlogs to TrustedUser

grant EXECUTE on xp_readerrorlog to TrustedUser

grant EXECUTE on xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs to TrustedUser

grant execute on xp_regread to TrustedUser

declare @dbnumber int

declare @dbname sysname

declare @use nvarchar(4000)

declare @Quest_dblist table (

row int identity,

name sysname


insert into @Quest_dblist (name)

select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('master', 'msdb');

set @dbnumber = @@rowcount

while @dbnumber > 0


select @dbname =name from @Quest_dblist where row = @dbnumber

set @use = N'USE ' + quotename(@dbname)

+ N'CREATE USER [TrustedUser] FOR LOGIN [TrustedUser]';

exec (@use)

set @dbnumber = @dbnumber - 1



Known issues with this script

The following monitoring functions require sysadmin privileges; hence have known issues and will not work even after using the script:

  • Number of virtual log files (VLFs)
  • Jobs